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Privacy Policy

Global Creatures Privacy Policy

Australia, UK and EU RESIDENTS

(Last Updated 1 January 2024)

This Privacy Policy describes how Global Creatures Pty Ltd (and the other Global Creatures group companies) (“Global Creatures”, “us”, “our” or “we”) collects, stores, uses and discloses personal information of our customers and of users (“user”, “users”, “you” or “your”) of the websites at,  and and our related websites and social media profiles such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram (collectively referred to as the “Websites”) in accordance with the Australian Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (the “Privacy Act”) and the Australian Privacy Principles (the “APPs”) and other applicable privacy laws.

Global Creatures produces live stage productions, including Moulin Rouge! The Musical (“Productions”) and operates the Websites to provide the following services (“Services”):

  • marketing and promoting Global Creatures and the Productions and providing users with information about our business and the Productions;
  • providing information on how to purchase tickets to Productions and providing users with links to access third party sites to purchase tickets to the Productions; and running surveys, competitions or promotions relating to the Productions.

By using our Websites you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy. We recommend that you review this Privacy Policy in full and that you check the Websites from time to time to access our most up to date Privacy Policy.


  • Directly from you

We collect your personal information from you when you directly provide it to us, for example when you:

  1. use the Websites to subscribe to our mailing list;
  2. correspond or communicate with us, for example via telephone, email and written enquiries;
  3. interact with us via our Websites; and complete surveys or enter competitions or promotions run by us.
  • Indirectly from our partners

We may also collect your personal information from our business partners and agencies where it is unreasonable or impracticable to collect it from you directly, for example other businesses with which we engage in ticket sales, marketing services, promotional activities or with whom we jointly produce Productions.

We require that our business partners and agencies have obtained your consent to your personal information being provided to us. For information on how our business partners handle your personal information, please see their privacy policies. We do not use unsolicited personal information.


  1. Personal information

We (or our agencies) collect personal information including your name and contact information (such as email address, telephone number, residence and postcode) and in some cases, additional information, that is reasonably necessary for us to provide our Services.

  1. Analytics information

We (or our agencies) may collect information about the device you use to access the Websites. For example, we may use web analytics tools (such as Google Analytics) to record how you access and use our Websites with your device by collecting information about the advertising ID or Internet Protocol address of your device, the date and time that your device accessed the Websites, the pages that your device accessed, if your device accessed our Websites from a link on another website, details of that referring website, and “cookies” (as explained below). We (or our agencies) collect and analyse this information so that we can: tailor advertising to users that is relevant to their interests; understand how users interact with our Websites; improve users’ experience of our Websites; and the functionality of our Websites.

  1. Cookies

A cookie is a data file that our Websites stores on your device. We use cookies to help remember information about your preferences and record information about how you interact with our Website so that we can improve your experience of using the Website and provide you with information relevant to your interests. You can adjust your browser settings so that your browser will not accept cookies, however doing so may affect some of the functionality and operation of our Websites.

  1. Sensitive Information 

We do not collect sensitive information about you (such as health or genetic information and racial or ethnic origin).


We (and our agencies) collect, store, use and disclose your personal information for various purposes connected to providing the Services to you and our business, including so that we can:

  • inform you about the Productions, including ticket sales, surveys, promotions and competitions;
  • manage your subscription to our mailing lists;
  • investigate and respond to complaints;
  • communicate with you and with the relevant authorities as required if, for example, your personal information has been subject to a data breach; and
  • comply with other obligations, including our legal and security obligations.

We will only disclose your personal information in connection with the provision of Services.

Where you have consented, we may disclose your personal information to our business partners such as agencies, financiers, venues, promoters, producers or ticket resellers, and this disclosure is connected to the Services that we provide to you. Some of these third parties may contact you in respect of the Services or send you marketing communications about their goods, services or productions that may be of interest to you. For information on how these business partners handle your personal information, please see their privacy policies.

We may also disclose your personal information in order to comply with our legal obligations or to protect or enforce our rights.

We do not control or endorse websites that are accessible via hyperlinks from our Websites and are not responsible for any information or content on those websites – your use of any third-party website or service is governed by the privacy policy and terms of use for that website or service. If you communicate with us via a social media platform, for example Facebook, then the terms and privacy policy for the social media platform will also apply.


We have taken adequate safeguards to ensure the confidentiality and security of your personal information. We will securely store copies of your personal information for as long as we need your personal information in order to provide the Services to you. We will also retain a copy of your personal information as long as is required to fulfil our legal and security obligations. Once we no longer require your personal information for the purposes of providing the Services, we will take reasonable steps to destroy the information or ensure that it is de-identified.


If you do not wish to receive any marketing communications from Global Creatures or our business partners, you can follow the instructions to opt out of receiving the relevant communications or otherwise adjust your subscription preference. You can also contact us at the address below to let us know that you wish to unsubscribe from further Global Creatures marketing communications.

If you receive marketing communications from us that you believe have been sent to you other than in accordance with this Privacy Policy, in error, or in breach of any law then please contact us  immediately at the address below.


We take reasonable steps to protect your personal information from misuse, interference or loss, and from unauthorised access, use, modification or disclosure, including by implementing appropriate and up-to-date security measures, resources, policies, practices and procedures. If you suspect that your personal information that we hold has been subject to a data breach, then please contact us immediately at the address below.


You can contact us at the address below at any time to:

  1. request access to the personal information that we hold about you; and/or
  2. inform us if the personal information that we hold about you is not accurate, up-to-date or complete.

We will endeavour to respond to your request as soon as is reasonably possible.

  1. Personal data

If you are located in the EU and the General Data Protection Regulation ((EU) 2016/679) (“GDPR”) applies to our processing of your ‘personal data’ (as defined in the GDPR) OR if you are located in the UK and the retained law version of GDPR applies to our processing of your ‘personal data’ in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018, then the matters set out in this section 9 will apply.

  1. Data protection officer

Our data protection officer is Nick Hart, whose contact details are below.

  1. Lawful basis for processing

Our processing (including collection, storage, use and disclosure) of your personal data will be justified on the following lawful basis:

  1. the processing of your personal data is necessary in order for us to provide our Services to you;
  2. the processing is necessary for us to be able to comply with our legal obligations; or
  3. you have expressly consented to the processing of your personal data.

The following table sets out the types of personal data that we collect and process and the lawful basis of the processing.

Types of personal data we collect How we collect and why we use this personal data The lawful basis for the processing of this personal data
Contact information such as name, email address, telephone number We collect this information from you or from our business partners

We use this information to provide the Services to you

We use this information in connection with the administration of our business, including our legal record keeping requirements

To perform our contract with you, for example to provide the Services to you

Our legitimate interests

Compliance with our legal obligations

Information about a person’s race or ethnic origin, health, or membership of a professional or trade association We collect this information from prospective talent so that we can use this information to develop our Productions.

We use this information in connection with the administration of our business, including our legal record keeping requirements.

Our legitimate interests

Compliance with our legal obligations


  1. Your Rights under GDPR

You may contact us and request:

  1. information on how we process your personal data;
  2. copies of your personal data that we hold;
  3. that we correct or rectify inaccurate personal data that we hold;
  4. that we erase all copies of your personal data that we hold;
  5. that we stop processing your personal data or restrict the way that we process your personal data; and
  6. to receive your personal data provided to us, or request that this data be provided to another entity.

You may also withdraw your consent to our processing of your personal data.

  1. Complaint regarding processing of personal data

Please contact us if you believe the GDPR applies to you and you would like to exercise your rights under the GDPR. We will respond to your request within 30 days.

If you are located in the EU, you have the right to make a complaint to a data protection supervisory authority about how we have processed your personal data. Please visit the European Data Protection Supervisor website for more information:

If you are located in the UK, you have the right to make a complaint to the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (“ICO”) about how we have processed your personal data.

ICO Address: Wycliffe House

Water Lane





Helpline number: 0303 123 1113

  1. Transfer of personal data

If we transfer your personal data to a third county outside of the European Economic Area (“EEA”), or if your personal data is processed in such third country, we will ensure that  the transfer of your personal data is subject to an adequate level of data protection, including, where required, one of the following mechanisms:

  1. personal data is transferred to third countries that are deemed to provide an adequate level of protection for personal data under EU or UK data protection laws (as the case may be); and
  2. transfers are made under contracts that contain EU standard contractual clauses governing the transfer of personal data to processors established in third countries outside of the EEA or if applicable, under contracts approved by the ICO, which give personal data the same protection it has in the UK.

To ensure that you continue to be aware of how we use your personal information, we will update this privacy policy from time to time to reflect any changes to our use of your personal information and/or  as required to comply with changes in applicable law or regulatory requirements. Your continued use of the Websites following the posting of any changes to this privacy policy means that you accept such changes. If we make substantial changes to the privacy policy we may provide you with additional forms of notice, as appropriate.


Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about how we collect, store, use or disclose your personal information and we will respond to you within a reasonable period.

Global Creatures Pty Ltd

Privacy Officer Email: [email protected]

If you are not satisfied with how we have handled your enquiry or which to make a complaint, you may contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner: